How to Best Maximize Infection
Control in Your Facilities - Assessing practice safety:
an overview of basic infection control procedures published by DPR August
This report takes us back to basics, with an overview of fundamental
infection control in dentistry under the following headings: personal
protection, hand care, limiting the spread of contamination, instrument
handling, instrument processing, sterilizer monitoring, surface asepsis,
and training. Infection control and practice safety procedures are as
much a part of modern dental practice as routine examinations, restorations,
and prophy procedures.
Within the past 15 years in dentistry, gloving has become routine, handpiece
sterilization has become the norm, and the hepatitis B vaccination has
been widely accepted by dentists and staff.
So where's the next challenge? According to some infection control educators,
as practitioners and staff become comfortable with the low risk of disease
transmission in dentistry, the challenge lies in compliance with basic
procedures. "Many people speak of emerging infectious disease challenges
and express concern over ways to control them.
A more fundamental issue, however, is the extent of compliance with long-standing
infection control measures that have a successful track record in preventing
transmission of a wide range of disease agents," said John Molinari, PhD,
of the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. "Newer generations
of healthcare professionals have not seen many of the occupational infectious
disease hazards that dentistry has faced.
As such, the importance of basic precautions may not be as firmly entrenched."
Dentistry is safer than it has ever been because of today's standards
for personal protection, instrument processing, and training. Inherent
in these proven infection-control recommendations, Molinari explains,
is a measure of overlap that has worked to dramatically reduce the frequency
of accidental infections. "Shortcuts" in basic protocols erode this margin
of overlap.
As Molinari reminds us, although occupational accidents and injuries
may be less frequent today, the consequences may be no less serious.
This issue's Infection Control Report takes us back to basics, with an
overview of fundamental infection control in dentistry.
The report is highlighted with 3 assessment aids suggested by national
infection control consultants to evaluate infection control and safety
procedures in practice.
Personal protection
Take advantage
of available vaccines against hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps,
rubella, tetanus, and varicella (chickenpox). Note:
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens
Standard requires that employers offer hepatitis B vaccination at no cost
to employees at risk of occupational exposure to blood or other potentially
infectious materials.
Wear appropriate
personal protective equipment (gloves, mask, eyewear, gown) when exposure
to blood or other potentially infectious materials is anticipated, whether
at chairside or during instrument reprocessing.
Don eyewear first,
then the face mask, followed by the gloves. Conversely, remove contaminated
exam gloves first and put on heavy-duty utility gloves for instrument
processing. After instrument processing, remove the face mask, then the
protective eyewear.
Over clean hands,
don new examination gloves for each patient when contact with blood or
saliva is anticipated.
Do not wash and
reuse gloves. (Exposing latex gloves to detergents causes wicking, which
adversely affects the material's barrier properties. Tap-water rinsing
to remove excess glove powder, however, is acceptable.)
Wear inexpensive
vinyl food-handlers gloves over contaminated treatment gloves when called
away from chairside during a procedure. Avoid removing and re- donning
the same pair of exam gloves during treatment of the same patient (for
example, following an interruption in treatment), as this can strain and
weaken glove material and expose the hands to infectious agents.
Wear face masks
with protective eyewear or a face shield to protect mucous membranes of
the eyes, nose, and mouth from exposures to potentially infectious splashes
and spatter.
Use a new surgical
mask for each patient, and replace a mask when it becomes moist during
treatment. (Wet masks can collapse against the face, placing contaminants
in direct contact with the healthcare worker's nose and mouth.)
Wear glasses,
goggles, and face shields during splash- or spatter-generating procedures.
Wear protective
garments with long sleeves and high necklines over street clothes or uniforms
during splash- or spatter-generating procedures.
Change protective
over garments daily or more frequently if visibly soiled.
When removing
visibly contaminated protective clothing, fold the soiled area inside,
using care not to contaminate the hands.
Place contaminated
garments in a leakproof laundry bag identified as "contaminated" or marked
with the universal bio hazard symbol. Remove contaminated outerwear before
leaving the office or entering designated "clean areas," such as the lunch
OSHA defines
laundering of contaminated protective garments as the responsibility of
the employer, which prohibits employees from taking protective garments
home for laundering. Contaminated laundry can be done on-site, by a medical
laundry service, or by the employer in his/her home. Hand washing and
hand care
For routine,
between-patient/procedure hand washing, vigorously lather the hands and
forearms with soap and water; follow with a cool-to-lukewarm water rinse.
(Hot water will cause pores on the skin surface to expand.) Repeat the
process; then dry hands and forearms thoroughly with disposable towels.
Use the paper
towels to turn off manually operated faucets.
When using an
antimicrobial handwash, read and apply the label instructions regarding
contact (that is, lather) time. Healthcare workers with open sores, weeping
dermatitis, or similar lesions on their hands should avoid patient contact
until the condition resolves. (In addition to providing a potential portal
for microorganisms, significant skin breaks may heighten a healthcare
worker's risk for sensitization to glove chemicals or materials.)
Avoid using petroleum-,
lanolin-, or mineral oil- based moisturizers during the clinic day. These
agents can break down glove materials and compromise the integrity of
the barrier.
Keep fingernails
short and well manicured.
Avoid wearing
rings, fingernail polish, and false nails at work. Limiting the spread
of contamination whenever possible
Anticipate and
make accessible the items needed for each procedure before the patient
is seated. (Eliminating the need to open drawers and cabinets limits operatory
Use disposable
and unit-dose items whenever possible.
Use a pre-procedural
antimicrobial mouthrinse on all patients to lower microbial counts in
the oral cavity and, in turn, to reduce the quantity of microorganisms
in aerosols and spatter generated during the procedure.
During treatment,
use rubber dam, high-volume evacuation, and proper patient positioning
to minimize spatter. Instrument handling
Always point
the sharp end of the instrument away from the body.
Pass scalpels
and syringes with sharp ends away from all parties.
Avoid picking
up sharps instruments by the handful.
Keep arms and
fingers clear of rotating instruments.
Dispose of used
needles and other sharps promptly and properly, that is, in a bio hazard-labeled,
leakproof, puncture-resistant container in close proximity to the point
of use.
Avoid overfilling
sharps containers.
Always wear puncture-resistant
utility gloves during cleanup procedures. Instrument processing
Process item
and or instrument depending on its use, as follows: Critical instruments
penetrate soft tissue or bone. They must be heat-sterilized. Semicritical
instruments do not penetrate tissue or bone but contact oral tissues.
They also should be heat- sterilized, although high-level disinfection/
immersion sterilization is an acceptable compromise for heat-labile items.
Noncritical instruments come into contact only with intact skin. Between-patient
reprocessing with an intermediate- or low-level disinfectant is indicated.
Replace reusable
heat-sensitive treatment items with heat-stable substitutes whenever possible.
Use a holding
solution or presoak at chairside to prevent debris from drying on instruments,
which can make cleaning more difficult. A simple water bath is an appropriate
choice; a detergent or disinfectant may be used to introduce surfactant
or antimicrobial activity.
Wear mask, eyewear,
and protective garments during operatory cleanup, and don heavy-duty,
puncture-resistant utility gloves for instrument cleaning, packaging,
and sterilizer loading.
Consider using
instrument cassettes, which limit staff contact with contaminated instruments
during processing.
Clean instruments
ultrasonically to limit staff contact with contaminated items.
Minimize handscrubbing
of instruments. Routine handscrubbing following ultrasonic cleaning is
usually not necessary, although stubborn debris (for example, dental composites
and cements) on instrument surfaces or grooves occasionally may require
postcycle handscrubbing as a supplement to ultrasonic cleaning.
When handscrubbing
instruments, keep items above the waterline. (Fully immersing them in
a basin of soapy water impedes visibility of the sharp ends.) Also, handle
contaminated instruments only 1 or 2 at a time to enhance control.
After instruments
have been cleaned, rinsed, and dried, package them for heat sterilization.
Allow hinged instruments such as scissors and pliers to remain open.
Place a process
indicator on the outside of the instrument pack to identify that the package
has been heat- processed. Note the date on the indicator.
Add a chemical
integrator (a multiparameter process indicator) to the center of each
instrument pack to confirm heat penetration. In autoclaves, for example,
the indicator should change color in the presence of the correct combination
of time, temperature, and saturated steam. Also, place an integrator in
the middle of each load of unwrapped instruments.
Process heat-stable
items and instruments via autoclave-, chemical vapor-, or dry heat- (standard
or rapid transfer) sterilization.
Avoid using household
appliances (for example, toaster ovens, dishwashers) in instrument processing.
These items are not cleared by the Food and Drug Administration for use
as medical devices and may not be calibrated for optimal, reliable performance
as instrument-processing tools.
Place packages
vertically in the sterilizer. (Standing packages on their edges maximizes
circulation and penetration of the sterilizing agent and eliminates pressure
that can cause instruments to poke through the packaging material.)
Allow sufficient
time for all parts of the chamber to reach the sterilization temperature
before beginning the cycle.
Keep sterilized
items wrapped until they are needed, and then unwrap the instruments at
chairside to minimize contact with airborne contaminants. Presenting wrapped,
sterile instruments at chairside offers patients a visible example of
the practice's infection control efforts.
Store packages
where they cannot become wet or torn. If the integrity of the sterilization
packaging is compromised, repackage and subject the instruments/ items
to another complete sterilization cycle. Sterilizer monitoring
Visually check
sterilizer gauges during the cycle. Anomalies can indicate gross sterilizer
Use spore suspensions
(biologic indicators) in strips or vials to verify a sterilizer's effectiveness.
Weekly testing is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the American Dental Association (ADA), and the Organization for
Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP).
Use a biologic
indicator (BI) that is appropriate for the method of sterilization: Bacillus
stearothermophilus for autoclaves and chemical vapor sterilizers; Bacillus
subtilis for dry-heat and ethylene- oxide units. Place the test indicator
in the center of the instrument package least accessible to the sterilizing
agent, usually the center-most package in the chamber or the package located
at the top-back or bottom-front. Consult the sterilizer instructions,
or contact the sterilization monitoring service to get advice on placing
biologic indicators.
Use a control
indicator, which is not run through the sterilization cycle but compared
to the test BI to verify the presence of viable spores prior to heat processing.
Maintain records
of the incubation and analysis reports provided by the testing service.
Surface asepsis
Maintain surface
asepsis using fluid-impervious surface covers or between- patient disinfection.
Operatory surfaces that cannot be easily decontaminated (for example,
light handles, manual chair controls, and suction hoses) may be barrier-protected
with disposable, waterproof covers. Note: As long as the integrity of
the surface cover is maintained, surfaces that are covered during patient
treatment need not be disinfected before placing a clean barrier for the
next patient visit. Barrier-protected surfaces, however, should be disinfected
at the end of each treatment day.
Only place barriers
on clean operatory surfaces.
When changing
surface barriers, remove and dispose of the soiled cover with gloved hands,
then remove the gloves, thoroughly wash hands, and place a clean barrier.
To effectively
disinfect operatory surfaces, use a spray-wipe-spray technique: First
spray and wipe to remove gross bioburden and debris; then, apply the disinfectant
and allow it to remain on the surface for the contact time recommended
on the label.
Save time by
using a single product to both clean and disinfect operatory surfaces.
Complex phenols, iodophors, and dilute sodium hypochlorite are suitable
Avoid using glutaraldehydes
(2.4% and 3.2%) as surface disinfectants. These high-level instrument
disinfectants are inappropriate surface disinfectants. Highly toxic, they
have been associated with cases of occupational asthma as well as dermal
and mucosal irritation. Furthermore, their fixative properties make them
ineffective cleaners and potentially damaging to some surfaces.
Maintain a list
of all hazardous materials used in the practice as well as Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDSs) for each product. Training
As required by
OSHA, provide employees with annual training on bloodborne disease transmission
and prevention measures.
Present the rationale
for various infection control and safety protocols. Understanding the
rationale behind these procedures provides the building blocks for compliance.
Provide day-to-day
reinforcement of proper infection control protocols and procedures.
Since the mid-1980s,
the profession has made tremendous strides toward making dentistry safer
for patients and staff.
With an eye toward the future, however, dental workers must remember
the profession's wet-fingered past.
Ongoing staff training and self-assessments of practice safety procedures
ensure that proven protocols remain in place and unchallenged by shortcuts
or misunderstanding. Karen Gomolka, Contributing Editor - DPR References
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommended infection-control
practices for dentistry,
1993. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Rep 1993;41(RR- 8):1-12. Cottone
JA, Terezhalmy GT, Molinari JA. Practical Infection Control in Dentistry,
second edition. Philadelphia:Williams & Wilkins, 1996. Miller CH.
Infection control strategies for the dental office. ADA Guide to Dental
Therapeutics. Chicago:ADA Publishing Co., 1998:489-504. Miller CH, Palenik
Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials for the Dental
Team. St. Louis:Mosby, 1998. Miller CH, Palenik CJ. Sterilization, disinfection,
and asepsis in dentistry. In Block SS. Disinfection, Sterilization, and
Preservation, fourth edition. Malvern:Lea & Febiger, 1991:676-695. Organization
for Safety and Asepsis Procedures.
The dental infection control program: from basic principles to fine-
tuning. OSAP Monthly Focus 1998 (No. 2). Safety Checkpoint 1 Mary Govoni,
CDA, RDA, RDH Clinical Dynamics Okemos, Mich.
Have the clinical staff do a walk-through of the office to identify and
correct any potential threats to patient or provider safety and health.
For example, ensure that biohazard signs appear on contaminated waste
containers, all chemical containers (including spray bottles) are properly
labeled, utility gloves are available in treatment- room and instrument-processing
areas, and sharps containers are not overfilled.
Encourage team members to take note of each other's infection control
and safety practices and to issue reminders when necessary (for example,
when personal protective equipment may be lacking).
Safety Checkpoint 2 Dr. Mary Quinn Quinn Associates Shorewood, Wis.
In training new and existing staff, feedback is key.
To stimulate discussion and identify areas for improvement, issue quizzes
on protocols and procedures. For a more interactive approach, have staff
members demonstrate various infection control and safety procedures, as,
for example, operatory cleanup, instrument processing, and chairside transfer
of instruments between staff.
Such assessment measures allow the lead infection control staffer not
only to target the training sessions to the areas of greatest need but
also to assist team members in understanding the rationale behind various
infection control and safety procedures.
Safety Checkpoint 3 Doni L. Bird, RDH, MA Dr. William F. Bird D.B. Bird
Management Glen Ellen, Calif.
Schedule time to routinely update the office's chemical inventory and
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) binder. Although product information
may be rather easily added to the inventory and binder, the demands of
a busy practice often preclude thorough review to remove information on
products no longer used in the practice.
The result: an MSDS binder that looks like a copy of the Yellow Pages
for a major metropolitan area. At least annually, leaf through the MSDS
book to ensure it is current and of a reasonable size.
Keep MSDSs for all hazardous products in the practices and remove MSDSs
for products not used in the office. Maintain a separate file of MSDSs
for discontinued products (with a note indicating their years in use)
to address any questions that might arise regarding specific chemicals.