So what exactly is Content Creation?
You may already have heard of many of your coleages and friends talking about the topic of how to get on the top of the search engine and get more traffic?
The number one ingreadient to getting on the top of the search engine is having lots of free good content that makes sense on your web site. The more content, the more chance you have for getting on top of the search engines.
Free Content Creation= New Patients for your practice
"I'll Show You Exactly How You Too Can Benefit From your web site to Attract More Patients today and how the Web Can be a toll to your exit strategy from your practice in a profitable way"
Most marketers already know this. You might know this too. You are probably very busy in today today life, and your business activites that you simply don't have the time to add content to your web site.
Your patiants, clients and and customers will be the ones who will provide you with content free of charge.
How does it work?
Every patient, client or customer that comes in contact with you will be getting a request to answer questions. Not everyone will answer, but according to our experience 3 out od 10 will do. This means 10 unique pages are being added to your web site every day. That's 80-100 pages per month.
Click here to become a member and start using our software to create content to your web site automatically by your clients, patiants or customers every day.
The cost is $135.00 per month. If for any reason after three (3) months you don't think you made the right decision, we will take the software away and refund you the money you spend ($135 x 3) and we will leave the content that the web site created for you on your web site for you to keep forever.
We just started to offer this service to our clients. The plan is to charge $500.00 set up fees. However, until end of May there will be no service fee charges, so sign up now. You got nothing to loose.
Where will the content reside?
On your web site. The software which does all the work in the background, will be residing on our secured server, but the results (the content which will be created by your cliens) will be residing on your web site.
How soon can I expect to see the content indexed on Google?
Within 1-2 weeks.
How can your web site benefit from Content Creation?
Every time you ship your product to your customer, an eMail will go out for the customer to write back their experience. Their response will be entered onto your web site for good.
For example, on web site, a doctor sent his impression of his experience doing business with The customer had purchased a door handle for his sterilizer. If you search Google for 'Door Handle Complete PCA117' you will get to that page. I didn't have to do anyting to get that page on google.
You can do the same for your products. I am telling you, this works. Simple, straight as it can be, and it produces pages on Google which will show up on top when a visitor searches. Try it for a month, or up to three months. If you don't like the results, we'll refund what you spent with us 100% and you'll keep the content on your web site. Become a member now
Shlomo Savyon
Ext 215
Cell 516-314-5600
eMail me