1. Our Web Site Sterilizers.com is a reference tool for sterilizers and related information. Feel free to check it out and sign up for our monthly infection control report information.
2. Our Sales Staff: Always friendly and willing to help you solve problems.
3. Our Loaner Policy: If your sterilizer should ever fail we can have a replacement to you the following business day, we understand the problems this causes and have the solutions.
4. Our Technical Service Staff: Some of the finest minds in the field. We understand all sterilizers makes and models and what makes them work, many times we can walk you through a problem.
5. Our Parts Inventory: We stock and keep parts for most everything we sell and have them available to you or for us to use to repair your sterilizer
6. Toll Free 800 number for service or technical information
7. 24/7 HELP LINE