ALFA Medical offers the best, at the lowest prices to fit your needs.
Alfa's founder began in 1975 as a sterilizer repair company serving the medical, dental, veterinary and podiatry markets of the San Francisco bay area. Since then Alfa has grown to become the recognized expert on sterilizers worldwide.
Alfa's basic philosophy is this:
It's not about how great our company is or how great we are as professionals; it's about how the sterilizers will benefit your life, business practice, and clients. Our sterilizers bring advantages and protection to you and to those you help. When you call us, you'll discover why thousands of satisfied customers are still counting on us as their "Sterilizer Experts".
Shlomo Savyon - Founder

Statim 2000 Reconditioned Cassette Sterilizer
Statim 2000 Reconditioned Cassette Sterilizer
The Statim 2000 110V Reconditioned Scican Sterilizer w/printer has an additional sterilization cycle and a roomier cassette designed to process bulkier instruments and greater loads.
The Statim Cassette Autoclave represents state of the art sterilization technology for the healthcare profession. Statim's unique steam injection technology allows the unit to be fast, compact, and reliable, yet remain gentle on expensive instruments. Handpiece manufacturers' testing showed Statim safely sterilized handpieces up to 3000 times without damage. Tests conducted by leading universities in North America and Europe have proven the Statim effectiveness for dental and medical sterilization. Additionally, it is easy to use and maintain. The unique steam injection system expels 98% of the air in the sterilization cassette which helps achieve as close to hospital-level sterilization as possible in an office environment.
The Statim 2000 is fully automatic. Simply select one of four sterilization programs and with a single touch of the keypad, begin the cycle. An advanced microprocessor controls all functions and maintains optimal sterilization conditions, from start to finish.
SciCan's Statim cassette sterilizers have a biological effectiveness that has been proven in tests for hollow and solid instruments at many internationally recognized institutes in Canada, the United States and Europe.
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