Sterilizer - Steam and Dry Heat Bags 3 x 10 (100 per box) NSP-405 CPac Model 200 Dry Heat Sterilizer - 2 Draws (New) Z-200-N Wayne S500 New Dry Heat Sterilizer - 2 Draws Z-S500-NI work in a spa, from odessa, TX. I purchased Sterilizer - Steam and Dry Heat Bags 3 x 10 (100 per box) NSP-405 CPac Model 200 Dry Heat Sterilizer - 2 Draws (New) Z-200-N Wayne S500 New Dry Heat Sterilizer - 2 Draws Z-S500-N from on 7/21/2008.
The salesman I dealt with was Shlomo Savyon. Your website is very informative.
Your shopping cart is fine.
I would like to add that, there a lot of manicurists that now have to purchase an FDA approved sterilizer for their stations. if you could simplify finding an FDA approved sterilizer, it would help a lot.
I was so pleased with how fast I received e-mails from your company in response to my order.
My order arrived 2 weeks early. I was apprehensive at first, but talked to Daphne the head of customer service, and she assured me it was in stock and it was indeed mine.
I was thrilled that Daphne took the time to return my phone call, and that Alfa Medical was so professional, courteous, and efficient!
Nancy Portwood SPA Odessa, TX 79764 432-889-5710 |